
The Information Technology curriculum in school aims to strengthen learning activities for students to explore technology concepts and be aware of technological development and its impacts on the society.  Students are encouraged to utilize the knowledge they learn in the Information Technology lessons to enhance their learning in different subjects and to solve real-life problems.


1. To use Information Technology and different technological products as learning tools.
2. To understand the uses and importance of Information Technology in daily life and be aware of the technological developments and their impact on the society and the environment.
3. To respect intellectual property rights and copyrights, and act appropriately in using Information Technology.

The Information Technology Syllabus: Computational Thinking and Coding Education

Computational Thinking and Coding Education has an important role in the Information Technology syllabus to nurture students’ innovative and entrepreneurial spirit.  Students get hands-on experience to solve problems through repeated trials.  Key stage 1 students (P.1-3) learn how to use iPad and basic programming such as ScratchJr.  Key stage 2 students (P.4-6) learn how to set program in technological products such as Scratch, MIT App Inventor and Micro:bit. Besides, I.T literacy, use of basic computer software such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel as well as the use of artificial intelligence are also taught in the lessons to keep students abreast of the technological development in the world.

Learning beyond the Classroom

Teachers help students utilize the knowledge they learn in the Information Technology lessons to enhance their learning in other subjects.  To fully develop students’ potential, students are also trained in the I.T after-school program and they are nominated to join different inter-school competitions.  Through the after-school training and competitions, they get the chance to engage in authentic problem-solving activities.  Their critical thinking skills and creativity can be further promoted.

Outstanding student’s work – Cross-curricular Project (Care for others)

To promote empathy and mutual understanding, students created a Thank You eCard to their parents, teachers or friends to show their caring through the cross-curricular project.