
National education including the Constitution, Basic Law, and national security education is an important component of values education. It is inseparable from national education and an indispensable part of the school curriculum. The school promoted National Education holistically through related Key Learning Areas/subjects, values education (including moral, civic and national education), and learning activities within and beyond the classroom at different learning stages of the primary according to students’ cognitive abilities.

Objectives of National Education

  1. Strengthen students’ understanding of the rule of law and national conditions
  2. Understand the importance of safeguarding national security
  3. Know about the history and culture of Hong Kong and China by participating in various visits and the Hong Kong China Interflow activities
  4. Cultivate national consciousness and national unity, develop a sense of belonging in our country


National Education Learning Activities

  1. Multiple Intelligence Learning Lessons

Students celebrated the National Day by making handicrafts and learned about China’s traditional culture and ethnic diversity through crafts.

Students learned the Constitution and the Basic Law through the flag-raising ceremony, reading eBooks, colouring and online Kahoot competitions.

2. Theme-Based Cross-Curricular Activities

To enrich the learning experience and understanding of Chinese culture and the glorious achievements of China, “The Outstanding Chinese Historical Figures” was chosen as the theme of the Cross-Curricular Activities this year. P.1 and P.2 students learned about Cai Lun’s invention of papermaking by hands-on making paper. P.3 and P.4 students learned about Bi Sheng’s invention of movable type printing by making chops. P.5 and P.6 students learned about the deeds of mathematician and inventor Zu Chongzhi by making a compass.

3. Educational Visit

4A students visited the Patriotic Education Centre in March 2024 to understand more about national security and national education. Through diverse and interesting activities, students learned about the national conditions, history, the national constitution, the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law.

4. The Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassador

Providing students with learning and training activities to enhance their understanding of the Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong, twenty-eight of P.4 to P.6 students joined the “Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassadors Training Scheme” launched by the EDB. Student Ambassadors participated in the Zoom Conference on Constitution Day. They also visited the Hong Kong Palace Museum in December 2023 to learn about Chinese history and culture. On National Security Education Day, student ambassadors held game booths during recess to promote national security education.

5. Flag Raising Team

The Flag Raising Ceremony is held weekly and on special occasions. This strengthened national identity among the students and helped them develop the appropriate attitude to show respect for a country.

6. Sister School Scheme

To deepen the understanding and friendship between students in LCU and our sister school, Shenzhen Keyuan Primary School (Keyuan), we have carried out a series of activities this year.

In October 2023, students from the two connected classes had a pen pal activity. They were very excited when they received the reply from their pen pals.

Students from the two schools held a competitive English debate competition in December. The prize-giving ceremony was held in January 2024.

Students in Keyuan Primary School visited our school on 18 January 2024. They also visited Tai Kwun with 5A students and conducted STEAM activities at LCU.

To enhance understanding and communication between LCU and Keyuan, strengthen cultural interflow, and achieve mutual advancement in quality of education, our teachers visited Keyuan Primary School on 26 March 2024.

7. Hong Kong China Interflow

To widen students’ horizon and understand the Chinese history and culture, our school organized two study tours.

Thirty P.5 & P.6 students visited Foshan on 22 March 2024. Through the visit, the students understood the ancient architectural styles and traditional arts of Lingnan in Foshan. They experienced the traditions by hands-on making pottery.

From 11 June 2024 to 14 June 2024, ten P.5 students visited Beijing. The students learned about Chinese culture and history by visiting The Palace Museum, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Technology Museum, the Museum of the War of Chinese People’s Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and Lugou Bridge. They also experienced hands-on making Sachet, protecting themselves from the dangers of accidents in Beijing Public Safety Experience Hall, riding on the rickshaw and Peking Opera by watching performances.

8. Parents’ DIY Rice Dumpling Workshop

To promote Chinese culture and deepen parents’ understanding of the Dragon Boat Festival, our school held a DIY rice dumpling workshop for parents on 7 June 2024.

9. Staff Development Day

To learn about the development of mainland China and understand China’s ethnic groups, and deepen teachers’ knowledge of national identity, our teachers visited Shenzhen Intellifusion Technologies Co., Ltd. and Splendid China-Chinese Folk Culture Village after visiting Keyuan Primary School on 26 March 2024.

10. Competitions

Our students joined the 2023 Territory-wide Inter-school National Security Knowledge Challenge Competition, and 2023 National Constitution Day Online Quiz Competition. They got the Most Active Participation Award in both competitions.

P.5 & P.6 Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassadors participated in the National Security Writing Competition and School Bulletin Board Design Competition.

5A Ng Shing Yau got a Merit Award in the Parent-Child Model Creation Competition of “Outstanding Historical Figures in China”.