
The Music curriculum in school aims to develop students’ creativity and imagination, music skills and processes, critical responses in music and understanding music in context, through integrated activities of creating, performing (singing and instrumental playing) and listening.


1. To develop students’ abilities in creating, performing and appraising music.
2. To enrich students’ music learning experiences through project learning.
3. To develop students’ generic skills, values and attitudes through learning in music.

Learning Beyond Classroom

In addition to music lessons, different types of activities such as music interest groups, music performance and music concerts are arranged to cultivate students’ musical sense and develop their musical potential. Besides, students are encouraged to participate in different kinds of performances and competitions.



  1. Junior Choir was honourably invited by Lai Sun Development Company Limited at Cheung Sha Wan Plaza to sing Christmas Carol Performance at Cheung Sha Wan Plaza
  1. Christmas Performance
  1. 74thHong Kong Schools Music Festival
  1. Folk Song Competition
  1. The Fluteman Show in Shatin Town Hall
  1. Music for the Millions Concert

Chinese Orchestra performance by the Music Office in the school hall

  1. Peter and the Wolf Concert in Cultural Centre