
The General Studies curriculum in school aims to help students integrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in the areas of Personal, Social and Humanities Education, Science Education and Technology Education. Through different learning experiences and project-based learning, it enables students to cultivate their creativity. The design of the curriculum focuses on enhancing students’ curiosity and developing students’ into self-directed learners.


1. To help students gain a better understanding of themselves, the society, the country and the world
2. To integrate students’ learning experiences
3. To promote life-wide learning by learning beyond the classroom
4. To develop students’ self-directed learning
5. To enhance students’ interest and curiosity in science and technology and understand their impact on the society


GS Activities

GS Visits

To enhance learning beyond the classroom, our students explored various educational sites in Hong Kong. They participated in hands-on activities on topics ranging from art and science to cultural heritage. These experiences fostered curiosity, creativity, and a lasting appreciation for diverse cultures and sciences, providing unforgettable experiences and valuable insights.


Level Venue Date Details
P.1 Kowloon Park Nov and Dec 2023 Explored plants and participate in planting activities, learning about nature and environmental protection
P.2 Hong Kong Heritage Museum Jan 2024 Visited exhibitions to learn about Hong Kong toys and Chinese art, and enjoy hands-on play
P.3 Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Dec 2023 Explored climate change and sustainability through interactive modules and discover biodiversity, inspiring environmental action
P.3A Island House Conservation Studies Centre Oct 2023 Students explored biodiversity, engaged in sensory games, observed plants, and created nature-themed artwork.
P.4 Hong Kong Heritage Museum Nov 2023 Explored Bruce Lee exhibition and learning about ancient Chinese life through art
P.5 Science Museum Nov 2023 Explored diverse science galleries, focusing on electricity, magnetism, and interactive plasma exhibits
P.6 Hong Kong Palace Museum Jan 2024 Explored Chinese cultural heritage and admired masterpieces from The National Gallery, London, enriching their education.

GS Morning Assembly

On Thursday mornings, our school holds GS morning assemblies with teacher-led talks on topics like Animal Assisted Therapy, Tropical Cyclones, and the invention of Potato Chips. Using slides, videos, and activities, these sessions help students explore new ideas and gain a global perspective.


GS teacher presenting exciting topics on stage.

Self-directed Learning

Developing students’ independent learning ability is not the only success rationale found in the GS Curriculum but is also a key to success in school. Therefore, ‘Flipped Classroom’’, ‘e-learning’ and ‘note-taking’ are implemented as some key strategies for promoting self-learning in our school. Pre-lesson tasks are assigned via Google Classroom regularly to help our students study prior the lesson.  Students are also encouraged to take notes and organise information using different graphic organisers to grasp difficult concepts and focus on content and connections. Different e-learning platforms and resources are used to support students’ learning. We hope that our students can apply these skills of self-directed learning to their studies so that they can become lifelong learners.

Scientific Skills

Students at young age are very interested in knowing the scientific knowledge of various phenomena such as surface tension, absorption of water, lever system, flying planes, action and reaction, air properties and so on. Our school conducted scientific projects, STEAM project, extended scientific tasks and scientific competition to develop students’ scientific skills.

To promote Values Education

‘Putting emphasis on students’ affective development’ is one of the aspects in the GS Curriculum. Therefore, values and attitudes worksheets are designed to help students evaluate not only their own learning performances but also the values and attitudes embedded in each topic. Some priority values such as national identity and law-abidingness are cultivated among students through relevant learning activities. Various visits, such as the virtual visit to the Legislative Council Complex and other museum visits, were arranged to strengthen students’ understanding of the rule of law, the Chinese culture and the history of Hong Kong. By promoting these positive values and attitudes, students could understand the splendid Chinese culture, thereby enhancing their sense of national identity.